An exhibition on Raphael's Madonna Diotallevi planned in Rimini.City seeks sponsorships

An exhibition dedicated to Raphael's Madonna Diotallevi will be held at the City Museum in Rimini in October. The City Council is seeking sponsorship.

The Municipality of Rimini, Dynamic and Attractive City Department-Cultural Systems Sector has published a public notice to seek sponsorships to support the temporary exhibition Raphael’s Madonna Diotallevi, scheduled from October 16, 2020 to January 10, 2021 at the City Museum of Rimini.

The star of the Rimini exhibition will be the Diotallevi Madonna painted by the Urbino artist in about 1504 and housed at the Bode Museum in Berlin: the painting belonged to the collection of Marquis Audiface Diotallevi of Rimini. It depicts the Madonna in the center holding the Child, who in turn blesses St. John who stands before him.

The exhibition is a significant opportunity to learn about and explore the history of the work; the latter will be accompanied by two other masterpieces that belonged to the collector, namely Giovanni da Rimini ’s Crucifix and Giuliano da Rimini’sCoronation of the Virgin, known as the Norforlk Polyptych.

Recipients of the public notice are public or private entities, businesses, companies, associations, foundations, cooperatives, consortia and institutions in general. The Municipality of Rimini, as the organizing body, intends to acquire offers of technical and/or financial sponsorship from parties interested in promoting their corporate name and/or corporate image by associating them with the exhibition, with the aim of covering all or part of the costs of implementation and communication.

The notice is valid until at least one week before the exhibition opens to the public. Sponsorship proposals, digitally signed, should be addressed to, indicating in the subject line “Proposal for sponsorship temporary exhibition ”RAFFAELLO’S MADONNA DIOTALLEVI" scheduled at the City Museum from October 16, 2020 to January 10, 2021.

The exhibition project aims to give the Rimini public a chance to admire an early masterpiece by Raphael that returns to Rimini after 178 years. Parallel to the exhibition, meetings, lectures, lectio magistralis, workshops, art historical itineraries for adults, guided tours and workshops aimed at schools and families will be organized, with the aim of deepening the knowledge of this period of Italian and Rimini cultural blossoming, starting from Raphael’s work and its history, and broadening the horizons to gather the most diverse expressions of the Renaissance of which traces remain in Rimini.

For more info: Municipality of Rimini

Image: Raphael Sanzio, Madonna Diotallevi (c. 1504; oil on panel, 69 x 50 cm; Berlin, Bode Museum)

An exhibition on Raphael's Madonna Diotallevi planned in Rimini.City seeks sponsorships
An exhibition on Raphael's Madonna Diotallevi planned in Rimini.City seeks sponsorships

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