Durex's cute campaign, which reviews art masters (except Pollock, of course) in condom form

Durex has come up with a bizarre campaign to promote its condoms: art masterpieces turned into condoms.

We will probably remember this pandemic for the coronavirus commercials that are all identical, all equally annoying and rhetorical, all stopped at year zero of inspiration and creativity. To wit: the ones with the emotional music, the little families holding hands or cooking (never anyone reading a book: Covid-19 produced the most copious generation of bakers since man discovered he could feed on wheat), the babies running on the beach, the ubiquitous défilé doctors and nurses, all of whom always look great in the ads and never have a hair out of place, the ones singing and playing from balconies (already unbearable in mid-March), with the off-screen messages telling us how important we are, and that they have always been and always will be by our side (and it doesn’t matter if we’re talking about arrabbiata sauces, insurance policies, or industrial sofas: for some reason, they seem to have accompanied our lives from birth).

Still, there are those who have distinguished themselves without lapsing into banality: Durex, for example, which is among the most avant-garde companies in Italy oninstant marketing, had evidently sensed as early as the beginning of April that many Italians have taken advantage of forced segregation to deepen their culture. And so it was that the well-known condom manufacturers came up with a communication campaign, launched on social media, that revisited four masterpieces of art, by great masters ( Vincent van Gogh’s Starry Night, Edvard Munch’s TheScream, Leonardo da Vinci ’sVitruvian Man, and Salvador Dalí’s The Persistence of Memory ) in a format... Durex. That is, the protagonists have been turned into condoms.

Below are the four masterpieces unleashed by Durex. The campaign is titled Durex meets the great masters of art. With subtitle: “but strangely not Pollock.” Of course, we don’t have to explain why they didn’t want to run into the genius of abstract expressionism. Here are the four prophylactic-sized paintings, with descriptions.

Vincent van Settebello's fiery night
“The Fiery Night” by Vincent van Settebello

The scream (of joy) Edward Sync
“The Scream (of Joy)” by Edward Sync

Vitruvian Condom by Love da Vinci
“Vitruvian Condom” by Love da Vinci

Infinite Suspension of Time and Pleasure by Salvador De MST (Sexually Transmitted Diseases)
“Infinite Suspension of Time and Pleasure” by Salvador De MST (Sexually Transmitted Diseases)

Durex's cute campaign, which reviews art masters (except Pollock, of course) in condom form
Durex's cute campaign, which reviews art masters (except Pollock, of course) in condom form

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