Surprising discovery in Rome's C metro.

During excavation work in Rome's Amba Aradam C metro, the domus of the commander of the soldiers' quarters was discovered.

First discovery of its kind!

During excavations at Rome’s Amba Aradam metro C station, a rectangular building of about 300 square meters dating back to the second century AD was found, consisting of fourteen rooms arranged around a central courtyard with a fountain and basins.

This would be the domus of the commander of the soldiers’ quarters.

Rome’s special superintendent, Francesco Prosperetti, said, “This absolutely unexpected find follows the excavation of the barracks from the Hadrianic period, which has now ended with the removal of all the remains pending their future relocation as they were and where they were. Alongside the remains of the barracks, we found those of a domus characterized by a frescoed wall, mosaic floors and painted ceilings. A domus that also had a small garden with a fountain.”

The finds will be secured and this site will be returned in its entirety.

Subway riders will frequent the station as if it were a museum.

Source: Adnkronos

Ph.Credit: MiBACT

Surprising discovery in Rome's C metro.
Surprising discovery in Rome's C metro.

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