Venice accident, minister Bonisoli: away big ships from the center of Venice

The minister of cultural heritage, Alberto Bonisoli, also spoke out after the accident that occurred Sunday in Venice, when a large cruise ship, the Msc Opera, hit a tourist boat causing four minor injuries and reigniting (perhaps as never before) the debate around the presence of large ships in St. Mark’s basin.

The accident, Bonisoli said, “is yet another confirmation that large ships should no longer pass through Giudecca. And this is why the Mibac, a few months ago, placed the constraint on three canals in Venice, and is working hard on the interministerial table to block large ships in the lagoon, together with the MIT and the Ministry of the Environment. In addition to the protection of the Unesco heritage city, we need to safeguard the environment and the safety of citizens and tourists.”

And indeed, Transport Minister Danilo Toninelli and Environment Minister Sergio Costa also agree on stopping the passage of large ships through the Giudecca Canal. Bonisoli then relaunched on Twitter especially after the controversy of the last few hours: “Today everyone is saying they don’t want the big ships to pass through the Giudecca Canal. Even those who appealed to the Tar against Mibac’s constraint to protect Venice. For consistency, the same now withdraw the appeal. Enough hypocrisy, yes concrete actions.”

In the photo of the Venice Fire Department, a moment of the June 2 incident.

Venice accident, minister Bonisoli: away big ships from the center of Venice
Venice accident, minister Bonisoli: away big ships from the center of Venice

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