Codacons to Unesco: exclude Rome from the World Heritage Site

Codacons writes to Unesco to request the exclusion, at least temporarily, of the center of Rome from the World Heritage list.

Removing the historic center of Rome, at least temporarily, fromUNESCO’s World Heritage List: this is the provocative proposal that Codacons (Coordination of Associations for the Defense of the Environment and the Rights of Users and Consumers) intends to formalize to UNESCO to denounce the capital’s degradation.

“The historic center of Rome, which was inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1980,” said Codacons President Carlo Rienzi, “is no longer a symbol of beauty, history, culture and art, but now represents only the degradation and neglect in which the city finds itself. The invasion of garbage and filth, the presence of rats and birds feasting in the streets, cars and motorcycles parked on sidewalks and pedestrian islands, gardens and green areas turned into jungles, tourists bathing in historic fountains, hanging dummies hung by front fans at the Colosseum as a sign of threat, are just some of the daily problems in Rome that make the requirements for the award fail.”

Codacons therefore declares that it is forced to write to Unesco to request that the recognition be withdrawn: however, the exclusion, they point out, should be temporary and “be valid until the city has returned to respecting its artistic and cultural heritage by eliminating the serious degradation that now reigns supreme.”

Source: press release

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Codacons to Unesco: exclude Rome from the World Heritage Site
Codacons to Unesco: exclude Rome from the World Heritage Site

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