Cultural Heritage Minister Bonisoli: Ministry hiring at risk because of the League

Cultural Heritage Minister Alberto Bonisoli: 'Hiring at the ministry is at risk because of the League'.

As was to be expected, new hires at the Ministry of Cultural Heritage are at risk due to Matteo Salvini and the League’s rift following the opening of the government crisis. We are not talking, of course, about the competition for the 1,052 fruition, reception, and supervision assistants, which has already been announced and will follow its normal course: we are talking about the recruitments planned for the coming months. Stating this, in no uncertain terms, is the minister of cultural heritage, Alberto Bonisoli, who pointed the finger at the League in a video posted on his Facebook page.

“There’s one thing that bothers me a bit about what’s been happening in the last few days,” Bonisoli said, “and that is that the League has withdrawn support for this government on the pretext that we would no longer produce acts of administration anyway, that we were mired in a perennial ’no,’ and whatever else. This is not true. Not only did it never happen, but it would not even have happened, because, on the contrary, we have a whole series of acts, of measures, of initiatives ready: for example, in the case of this ministry, a major investment in personnel, which was supposed to be carried out in the coming weeks and which at this point is at risk.”

Bonisoli continues, “concretely: we have ready a competition in October for about 3,000 people, a competition for 28 executives also in October, 1,000 hires of officials in December, and 250 people who should transit from the employment centers to this ministry. These initiatives in a new government would be at risk, but not only that. In the budget we already had some regulations ready that specifically address the investment in personnel in this ministry: 30 more second-rank managers starting in 2020; the increase in the decentralized resources fund (the former FUA) using 5 percent of the revenues of all state museums, which at this point would benefit all employees of the ministry (we are talking about an investment of ten million euros); the increase in the administration allowance for this ministry, which is the lowest for the entire public administration; an increase in the administration allowance for employees of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities, which would be equated with that of the Ministry of Justice; some resources to be invested in staff training; and finally, vertical career progression from the second to the third area, with the total rolling over of the 2010 eligible graduations (these are the rest of the shadow officers we failed to give an answer to last year).”

“All these initiatives, aimed at solving the problems of this ministry,” Bonisoli concludes, 2with a new government or with what will happen, are at risk. And this is a damage for the country, for the ministry and for Italian culture."

Pictured: minister Alberto Bonisoli

Cultural Heritage Minister Bonisoli: Ministry hiring at risk because of the League
Cultural Heritage Minister Bonisoli: Ministry hiring at risk because of the League

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