Rome, the Imperial Fora and all civic museums free on Sunday, Sept. 2

In Rome all civic museums will be free on Sunday, September 2. Free opening for the Imperial Forums as well.

All of Rome ’s civic museums will be free admission on Sunday, September 2. The initiative is promoted by Roma Capitale, Assessorato alla Crescita culturale - Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali with the organization of Zètema Progetto Cultura. Also, in addition to the civic museums, Romans and non-Romans will have the opportunity to enter the Imperial Forums for free, from 8:30 to 19:15, with last entry at 18:15. The tour will include entry to Trajan’s Column, the Forums of Trajan and Caesar, the Forum of Nerva, and the Roman Forum.

Among the exhibitions not to be missed, Roma Capitale reports at the Capitoline Museums The Rome of Kings. The Tale of Archaeology and The Popes of the Councils of the Modern Era. Art, History, Religion and Culture; at the Mercati di Traiano - Museo dei Fori Imperiali the exhibition on Emperor Trajan on the occasion of the 1900th anniversary of his death, Trajan. Building the Empire, Creating Europe; at the Museum of Rome in Trastevere Dreamers. 1968: How We Were, How We Will Be, an account in images and video of the country in those years. Also, at the Gallery of Modern Art on Via Crispi Rome Modern City. From Nathan to Sixty-Eight, a unique exhibition that traces the leading artistic currents of the 20th century with the city of Rome in the foreground. Also, the exhibition Walls. The Walls of Rome. Photographs by Andrea Jemolo at the Ara Pacis Museum and Duilio Cambellotti. Myth, Dream and Reality at the Villa Torlonia Museums. By contrast, the Canaletto exhibition at the Museum of Rome, which has been extended until Sept. 23, remains ticketed.

In the photo by the Capitoline Superintendency: the Imperial Forums.

Rome, the Imperial Fora and all civic museums free on Sunday, Sept. 2
Rome, the Imperial Fora and all civic museums free on Sunday, Sept. 2

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