Beato Angelico's tabernacle now on display at Milan's Palazzo Marino

Starting today, the Christmas exhibition at Palazzo Marino in Milan will be enriched with another masterpiece: the tabernacle by Beato Angelico from the San Marco Museum in Florence.

The City of Milan’s Christmas exhibition at Palazzo Marino, titled Charity and Beauty, curated by Stefano Zuffi and Domenico Piraina and organized by Civita Exhibitions and Museums, is now enriched by another masterpiece: the tabernacle by Beato Angelico, from the Museum of San Marco in Florence. Made around 1430, the work is the result of a combination of techniques including painting, miniature, goldsmithing and carving. In addition to offering a Christmas theme such as theAdoration of the Magi, the tabernacle offers an example of Beato Angelico’s sensitivity to colors, which sparkle on the gold background. The work has now come to Milan through a collaboration with the Museo di San Marco in Florence.

In addition to Beato Angelico’s tabernacle, visitors will have the opportunity to admire until January 15, 2023 Sandro Botticelli ’s Madonna and Child from the Stibbert Museum in Florence; the Madonna and Child from Palazzo Medici Riccardi, a work by Filippo Lippi; and Charity, a sculpture by the Sienese Tino di Camaino from the Bardini Museum in Florence. In the city’s other eight town halls, area libraries will host important works from different institutions in the city, which decline the theme of charity and beauty through four paintings from the 17th century and four from the 19th and 20th centuries.

Image: Beato Angelico, Tabernacle with Annunciation, Adoration of the Magi, Saints (ca. 1434; tempera on panel, gilding, 85 x 58 x 15 cm; Florence, Museo di San Marco)

Beato Angelico's tabernacle now on display at Milan's Palazzo Marino
Beato Angelico's tabernacle now on display at Milan's Palazzo Marino

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