January 4 to 9 auctions: photographs, posters and antique books

The new year has just begun, but some auction houses are still closed. Here are the offerings to watch out for in this early year.

The new year has just begun, but some auction houses are still closed. Here are the bids we managed to find.

At Cambi, the Pop Culture and Posters auction, for vintage lovers, is running until Jan. 10.

There is time until Jan. 18 for Finarte’s Fotografie timed auction, featuring shots by photographers such as Claudio Abate and Vasco Ascolini.

If antique books fascinate you, there is aT55 timed auction running until Jan. 9 at Babuino.

At Sotheby’s Contemporary & Modern Masters is on until Jan. 7, while Liquid Jade: Moutai opens Jan. 3-11.

On Jan. 8, Dorotheum opens itsCharity Auction tobenefit ACAKORO. Among the lots for sale are works by Herbert Brandl and Rudolf Leitner-Gründberg.

Pictured: Sandro Becchetti, Federico Rossellini in "Descartes," for sale at Finarte

January 4 to 9 auctions: photographs, posters and antique books
January 4 to 9 auctions: photographs, posters and antique books

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