Alessia Peretti and marble. An exhibition to tell the story of the Apuan Alps.

Opening Saturday, Dec. 21 in Lido di Camaiore is Alessia Peretti's exhibition entitled 'Landscapes of the Soul. The sprezzature of marble, the sweetness of interiors'.

We have often spoken on our website about the Apuan Alps, the environmental disaster behind them, and all the problems affecting the Carrara marble industry.

The essence of our lands is now told in an exhibition by a young and interesting local artist, Alessia Peretti, who will open her own solo show on Saturday, December 21, in the rooms of Galleria Europa in Lido di Camaiore (province of Lucca). The exhibition, curated by Silvia La Rossa, is entitled Landscapes of the Soul. The sprezzature of marble, the sweetness of interiors and presents several evocative paintings by Alessia Peretti that tell the story of the Apuan Alps and Versilia, its marbles, its quarries: an event with a strong connection to the territory.

The exhibition will open at 5:30 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 21, and will be open daily until Dec. 31, with hours 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. (closed on Christmas Day). Below is the poster for Alessia Peretti’s exhibition:

Alessia Peretti. Paesaggi dell

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