Contemporary at Arte Fiera 2018, here are seven booths not to be missed

Edition 2018, number forty-two of Arte Fiera in Bologna: here are the stands where to find the most interesting contemporary proposals.

After the focus on theart of the twentieth century present at the 2018 edition of Arte Fiera, the forty-second edition of the Bolognese kermesse, we suggest, as far as contemporary is concerned, seven must-see stands to discover the most interesting contemporary (especially Italian, as per Arte Fiera’s tradition) proposals that you can find until tomorrow in Bologna.

1. Francesca Antonini Arte Contemporanea
At the Francesca Antonini Arte Contemporanea booth you can find some of the most interesting works in what concerns painting. The main merit of the Roman gallery is that of having been able to focus on very interesting young people: the works of Sabrina Casadei (Rome, 1985) are particularly noteworthy, while as far as works by already established artists are concerned, the poetic landscapes of Enrico Tealdi (Cuneo, 1976) imbued with atmospheres that almost bring us back to romanticism are certainly worthy.

I paesaggi di Enrico Tealdi
The landscapes of Enrico Tealdi

2. Romberg Photo
The now historic brand Romberg Photo brings to Arte Fiera a small monographic exhibition by Giuseppe Ripa (Ragusa, 1962) presenting works from the Seaside series: these are the Sicilian photographer’s latest research , with several shots taken on the Adriatic coast that speak of the fragility of the territory, memory, the passing of time, and the coexistence of man and nature.

Le fotografie della serie Seaside di Giuseppe Ripa
The photographs in Giuseppe Ripa’s Seaside series.

3. Poggiali
Poggiali ’s booth does not offer great novelties compared to the proposals that the Florentine gallery has brought to other fairs, but for those who do not (yet) know works by some of the most important artists of the contemporary Italian scene, such as Fabio Viale (Cuneo, 1975), one of the most discussed artists of the moment, or even Luca Pignatelli (Milan, 1962) or Giovanni Frangi (Milan, 1959), a visit may be very interesting.

Lo Stargate di Fabio Viale (2017; marmo bianco, 190 x 210 x 124 cm) da Poggiali
Fabio Viale’s Stargate (2017; white marble, 190 x 210 x 124 cm) at Poggiali’s

4. Davide Paludetto Artecontemporanea
Davide Paludetto’s booth is worth a visit: the Turin-based gallery brings some interesting works by, among others, Aron Demetz (Vipiteno, 1972) and Elvio Chiricozzi (Viterbo, 1962). Different mediums (wood sculpture and pencil on canvas) but endowed with the same ability to attract the viewer, not least because the booth set-up enhances each other’s work by the two artists.

Demetz e Chiricozzi da Davide Paludetto
Demetz and Chiricozzi by Davide Paludetto

5. Paola Verrengia Gallery
The proposal of Galleria Paola Verrengia is extremely varied: the Salerno-based gallery, active since 1993, opens up to practically all forms of art, ranging from Amparo Sard’s drawings with perforated paper to the oriental refinements of Kaori Miyayama’s painting, from Michele Chiossi ’s sculpture to Emanuela Fiorelli’s installations, without neglecting a now historical figure such as Pino Pinelli (Catania, 1938), present with a recent work.

Amparo Sard, Senza titolo (2017; carta perforata, 32,5 x 46 cm)
Amparo Sard, Untitled (2017; perforated paper, 32.5 x 46 cm)

6. Studio Trisorio
The vitality of the Neapolitan art scene is well described by Studio Trisorio’s booth: the wood and steel signs of Sergio Fermariello (Naples, 1961), the evanescent and almost mystical objects of Alfredo Maiorino (Nocera Inferiore, 1966) and the plays of light of Fabrizio Corneli (Florence, 1958), present with a very particular Gerbera, are some of the proposals to be seen.

Opere di Sergio Fermariello allo stand di Trisorio
Works by Sergio Fermariello at the Trisorio booth.

7. Boxart
The Veronese gallery Boxart presents not only some well-known names (Daniel Spoerri and Hermann Nitsch) but also works by emerging artists: of note are the photographs of Liu Bolin (Shandong, 1973), who in his latest series Hiding in Italy painted himself with the colors of the surrounding landscape and camouflaged himself in front of the most famous monuments of our country. And thanks to this work, the Chinese artist secured the Consultinvest Prize, one of six awards given during this edition of Arte Fiera.

Liu Boling, Hiding in Italy - Colosseo n°1 (2017; stampa a getto di inchiostro, 90 x 120 cm)
Liu Boling, Hiding in Italy - Colosseum No. 1 (2017; inkjet print, 90 x 120 cm)

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