Battle for free photos in archives and libraries won: rule passes in Senate

Green light for photographs in archives and libraries: legislation to make photos free for study or enhancement purposes passes in the Senate.

Among the regulations contained in the competition bill, which became law today after final approval in the Senate following a vote of confidence, is the one on free photos in archives and libraries: after the law is enacted, it will therefore be possible to take photographs freely at archives and libraries for study purposes. Thus, the fees that scholars until now had to pay to photograph books and documents will be abolished.

The battle of many activists, such as those of"Free Photographs for Cultural Heritage," has thus ended in a fine victory: “A long battle,” the group’s activists write on their Facebook page, “which finally sees a positive conclusion. Thanks to the more than 4,400 scholars and associations who gave strength to our proposal and to Minister Dario Franceschini, who recognized the need to reform this sector as well; to the Higher Council for Cultural Heritage, chaired by Giuliano Volpe, who has always supported the reasons for liberalization; and to the rapporteurs of the ddl, Senators Marino and Tomasella and the Honorable Mazziotti, chairman of the House Constitutional Affairs Committee, for their support.”

The rule approved today in the Senate extends the exemption from royalties for reproductions of documents, books and manuscripts in the public domain preserved in archives and libraries “carried out by private individuals for personal use or study purposes, or by public or private entities for purposes of enhancement, provided that they are carried out on a non-profit basis.” All, of course, “in compliance with the provisions protecting copyright.”

Image: Reading room of the National Central Library of Florence. Credit

Battle for free photos in archives and libraries won: rule passes in Senate
Battle for free photos in archives and libraries won: rule passes in Senate

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