Uffizi, environmentalist protest: they glue themselves to the glass of Botticelli's Primavera

Using the same modus operandi as the activists who raided some British museums, three young men glued themselves to the glass of Botticelli's Primavera at the Uffizi this morning. No damage was done to the work, but the group announced other actions in Italian museums.

Glue-loving environmentalists are arriving in Italy as well: emulating what some British activists from the group Just Stop Oil have done in recent days in several museums in the United Kingdom (for example, at the National Gallery in London, where they damaged a masterpiece by John Constable), in the morning today three young people, with the same modus operandi, glued themselves to the glass of Sandro Botticelli ’s Primavera at the Uffizi.

The incident occurred at 10:30 a.m. The activists first spread a banner on the floor of Botticelli’s hall, then doused the glass with glue and finally stuck themselves with their hands. They were removed by the Carabinieri: a charge for them for interruption of a public service, resisting a public official, unauthorized demonstration and defacing or defacing property.

“In this day and age is it possible to see a Spring as beautiful as this one?” the activists, of the Last Generation group, wrote in a note. “Fires, food crisis and drought make it more and more difficult. We decided to use art to send a message of alarm: we are heading for ecoclimatic and social collapse. Soon we will return to museums in Florence, Venice, Milan and Rome.” The group announces a season “of actions inside our museums, where millions of tourists will land to appreciate the priceless artistic heritage. In the same way that we defend our artistic heritage, we should dedicate ourselves to the care and protection of the planet we share with the rest of the world. Art has always been valuable in conveying beauty, uniting cultures and preserving the best expressions of humanity. That should still be the case now.” From the group two demands: “Immediately stop the reopening of decommissioned coal-fired power plants and cancel plans for new drilling for natural gas exploration and extraction; proceed with an increase in solar and wind power. We will not stop until the government considers them.”

From the museum, they let it be known that the work has not been damaged.

Uffizi, environmentalist protest: they glue themselves to the glass of Botticelli's Primavera
Uffizi, environmentalist protest: they glue themselves to the glass of Botticelli's Primavera

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