A dossier exhibition on Girolamo da Carpi at Ferrara's Pinacoteca Nazionale

Ferrara's Pinacoteca Nazionale dedicates a dossier exhibition to Ferrara painter Girolamo da Carpi. April 5 through September 25, 2022.

From April 5 to September 25, 2022, the Pinacoteca Nazionale di Ferrara is hosting the exhibition Dossier Girolamo da Carpi. Return to Ferrara, curated by Alessandra Pattanaro and Marcello Toffanello, on the occasion of thepurchase by the Ministry of Culture of the painting depicting the Holy Family by Girolamo da Carpi (Ferrara, 1501 - 1556).

Five paintings will be exhibited through which the artist’s activity during the 1530s will be presented, from small-format devotional painting to altarpieces, from fresco decoration to portraits. Together with the acquired painting, made after his first trips to Rome and perhaps still during his stay in Bologna, the exhibition displays four other paintings made in this same period (c. 1530-1537), at the end of which Girolamo da Carpi was called back to Ferrara by Duke Ercole II d’Este.

The exhibition thus aims to celebrate a double “return to his homeland”: of the artist in the past and of one of his works today.

For info: https://gallerie-estensi.beniculturali.it/

Hours: Tuesday through Sunday and holidays from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

A dossier exhibition on Girolamo da Carpi at Ferrara's Pinacoteca Nazionale
A dossier exhibition on Girolamo da Carpi at Ferrara's Pinacoteca Nazionale

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