From April 1, stop green pass requirement for museums and exhibitions, but not for performances in cinemas and theaters

Here's what changes for access in museums, exhibitions and other cultural venues and for performances in cinemas and theaters with the end of the state of health emergency, that is, from April 1, 2022.

With the end of the state of health emergency, the Ministry of Culture announces that as of April 1, 2022, there will be a change in the way people can access places of culture and entertainment.

With regard to access to museums, archaeological parks, exhibitions, archives, libraries and other cultural places, possession of an enhanced green pass or basic green pass will no longer be required. However, the requirement to use surgical masks remains.

As for cinemas, theaters and concerts, there is a distinction to be made between indoor and outdoor performances. From April 1 to 30, 2022, participation in shows that take place indoors will require possession of the so-called enhanced green pass and the requirement to wear FFP2 masks. For participation in shows taking place outdoors, also from April 1 to 30, possession of the basic green pass and the requirement to wear FFP2 masks is required.

From April 1, stop green pass requirement for museums and exhibitions, but not for performances in cinemas and theaters
From April 1, stop green pass requirement for museums and exhibitions, but not for performances in cinemas and theaters

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