I am Gillo Dorfles and I opened my Facebook profile. But they were two student trolls

Gillo Dorfles announces that he has opened his own Facebook profile. But it was actually a project of two female university students.

Many were astonished last week when the great critic Gillo Dorfles, at the age of 107, announced that he had opened his own Facebook profile. The critic was making posts saying that he was getting help from an anonymous collaborator, and had even opened a Facebook group in which to discuss contemporary art. Too bad this was not true: it was actually a project of two female university students from Milan. The announcement was made a few minutes ago.

All this, explained the two organizers of the digital prank in the <a href='https://www.facebook.com/groups/131423130874526/ target='_blank'>group</a> that gathered more than 400 contacts (and which at the moment <strong>is closed</strong> without the possibility of accessing the content), "to make you realize that there are interesting but unknown artists, and that what appears on facebook is not always reality." The two students, who still remain anonymous, explained that "it was not done in bad faith, it is a real project" and advised to "be careful what goes around on the net." Of course: it must be said that no media outlet broke the news of the opening of the profile: given the ease and speed with which the virtual "Gillo" added even strangers among his friends, and the fact that no one in circles close to the critic had mentioned the opening of the account, the profile had aroused quite a few suspicions.</p> <p>It is not known, however, whether Gillo Dorfles is aware of the project: the two authors of the "trollata" (as actions such as these, performed by so-called <strong>trolls</strong>, are called in web jargon) said that they are trying to contact him and his family to inform him of what happened on Facebook in recent days.</p>

I am Gillo Dorfles and I opened my Facebook profile. But they were two student trolls
I am Gillo Dorfles and I opened my Facebook profile. But they were two student trolls

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