In Reggio Emilia, Emergency brings an exhibition on migration to the Palace of Museums

From September 1 to 24, the Palazzo dei Musei in Reggio Emilia will host the exhibition 'Like Waves of the Sea. Encounters without borders', organized by Emergency and dedicated to the theme of migratory phenomena.

From September 1 to 24, the Palazzo dei Musei in Reggio Emilia will host the exhibition Come onde del mare. Encounters without borders, organized by EMERGENCY on the occasion of the third edition of the festival of the association founded by Gino Strada, which is being held in Reggio Emilia from September 1 to 3 and which this year will have “the border” as its pivotal theme.

The exhibition features migratory phenomena, which are unstoppable, like waves. We move, always, like sea currents. We are beings driven by the desire and need to have a better life, to live in a country that guarantees rights, dignity, freedom. A place where dreams, aspirations, inclinations are recognized and cared for. The movements of people and peoples are part of human history: there are no borders that can stop them. And the encounters that EMERGENCY’s women and men make at sea, between bodies that touch, looks that recognize, hugs, tears and smiles, are also without barriers. Encounters with the people the association’s members rescue in the middle of the sea “brings us to the essence of our work,” they declare: “helping those in need.”

The exhibition tells through images, sounds and words EMERGENCY’s work in the central Mediterranean, one of the world’s most dangerous migration routes, where according to theInternational Organization for Migration (IOM) more than 22,000 people have died or gone missing since 2014. An average of ten people per day. A silent massacre against which EMERGENCY is calling for a European search and rescue mission to protect the lives of people crossing the Mediterranean and legal and safe routes toEurope. At sea since December 2022, in ten missions, EMERGENCY’s Life Support has rescued 943 people. Each of them brought their personal stories and hopes inside the ship.

Through the use of photographs, videos, sounds, testimonies and 360° viewers, an immersive tour has been created to provide visitors with a complete experience that makes them understand what happens during rescues at sea, from the point of view of the people rescued and the rescuers.

The path will be articulated through the images of Giulio Piscitelli, Gabriele Micalizzi, Dario Bosio, Davide Preti, Francesco De Scisciolo and Giorgio Dirindin, the photographers who have boarded the ship in recent months. The installation was curated and designed by The Buss.

For all information, you can visit the official website of the Reggio Emilia Civic Museums and and the official website of EMERGENCY.

In Reggio Emilia, Emergency brings an exhibition on migration to the Palace of Museums
In Reggio Emilia, Emergency brings an exhibition on migration to the Palace of Museums

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