Many exhibitions in Milan for 2024-2025. Presented today the exhibition program

What exhibitions will be scheduled in the City of Milan's exhibition venues between 2024 and 2025? The long exhibition program was presented today. Picasso, Cézanne, Renoir, De Nittis, Ugo Mulas, Munch, Casorati, Pellizza da Volpedo, Niki de Saint Phalle, among many names.

What will be the exhibitions scheduled in the exhibition venues of the City of Milan between 2024 and 2025? The long exhibition program was presented today in the Lombard capital, and among the artists we will see as the protagonists of these long-awaited exhibitions are Picasso, Cézanne, Renoir, De Nittis, Ugo Mulas, Munch, Casorati, Pellizza da Volpedo, Niki de Saint Phalle, and many others, both Italian and international, from the twentieth-century and contemporary scene, including painting and sculpture, photography and performance.

As many as two exhibitions will be dedicated to Pablo Picasso: one at the Palazzo Reale (from Sept. 20, 2024 to Feb. 2, 2025), in collaboration with the Musée national Picasso-Paris, which will focus on his status as the “eternal foreigner” in France, and one at the MUDEC - Museum of Cultures in Milan (Feb. 22 to June 30, 2024), in collaboration with leading Spanish museums and Picasso’s heirs, which will aim to place his works in dialogue with the ’primal’ artistic sources that influenced him from the beginning of his career.

Opening the exhibition season at the Palazzo Reale, however, will be the exhibition that aims to be the first and most comprehensive monograph on Giuseppe De Nittis (February 24 to June 30, 2024), which will feature ninety paintings from national and international collections. And at the same venue, the exhibition dedicated to the photographer Brassaï (Feb. 23 to June 2, 2024), Hungarian by birth but Parisian by adoption, the author of iconic mmages that immediately identify the face of Paris.

Instead, for this spring, from March 19 to June 30, 2024, an exhibition is scheduled, again at the Royal Palace, that will compare two great artists of Impressionism, Cézanne and Renoir: for the occasion, fifty masterpieces ìrecover the lives of these two masters. From April 7 to July 31, 2024, the creations of the Dolce&Gabbana fashion house will be presented for the first time in an exhibition to celebrate the brand as a symbol of Italian style. This will be followed in May, from the 4th to the 16th, by the exhibition Ercole Pignatelli and Guernica: the artist will reinterpret Picasso’s masterpiece in a performative key, painting over the course of six days a canvas of the same size. The intervention aims to return, on the occasion of the seventieth anniversary of the exhibition of Guernica in the Sala delle Cariatidi, emotions and reflections that this work had aroused in the artist still 18 years old, filtered through the experience of his eighty-eight years. From September 2024 to January 2025, an extensive retrospective on Edvard Munch will be staged to mark eighty years since his death and forty years after his last exhibition in Milan: one hundred works including paintings, drawings and prints, all from the Munch Museet in Oslo, will be on display. From October 3, 2024 to January 26, 2025, Ugo Mulas ’s great contemporary photography will instead be the protagonist with an exhibition that aims to retrace all the stages of the photographer’s career, from his beginnings in the Milan Bar Jamaica to the Venice Art Biennale, to his experiences with design, fashion, and theater. And the art of Enrico Baj (from October 2024 to February 2025) on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of his birth

And finally, in 2025, there is a major retrospective dedicated to Chaïm Soutine (from September 2025 to January 2026), an artist who moved to Paris from Czarist Russia at the age of 20 and went on to become one of the most famous painters of the 20th century. And again, on the occasion of the centenary of the Exposition internationale des arts décoratifs et industriels modernes, held in Paris in the spring of 1925, an exhibition will chronicle the nearly ten years of Italian and European affirmation of Art Deco (from February to June 2025); an anthological exhibition on Felice Casorati will also open in February 2025. Then in spring 2025 there will be a monographic exhibition dedicated to the surrealist Leonor Fini and the exhibition Napoleon in Milan. Appiani and the Paths of Myth, which will tell the historical parable of Napoleon through the works of various artists from the Malmaison Museum and the Réunion des Musées Nationaux. The exhibition will first be staged in Paris and then come to the halls of the Royal Palace focusing particularly on works created for the Palace itself. From September 2025 to January 2026, the exhibition Dali and Fashion will seek to explore the most intimate and intense aspects of the artist’s creative process, where fashion and art nurture an ever-evolving form of expression. In fall 2025, from October to February 2026, the Palazzo Reale program will also include the first solo exhibition dedicated to Leonora Carrington in Italy, which will focus on the well-rounded figure of a woman artist, migrant, exile, mother, avant-garde feminist, and ecologist.

Moving on to the GAM Galleria d’Arte Moderna in Milan, an exhibition dedicated to Giuseppe Pellizza da Volpedo is scheduled for 2025 (September to December), while we will have to wait until early 2026 for a major monograph devoted to the Russian-born but Italianate sculptor Paolo Troubetzkoy, jointly curated by GAM, the Musée d’Orsay, and the Getty Museum in Los Angeles, and to be held in dual venues, in Paris and Milan.

Martin Parr ’s reportage and documentary photography will instead be dedicated, in collaboration with Magnum Photo, to an exhibition project at the MUDEC Museo delle Culture, which can be visited from February 10 to June 30, 2024. More than two hundred shots by the well-known British photographer will be on display. In the fall, on the other hand, the museum will offer a retrospective on the French-American sculptor Niki de Saint Phalle (from October 2024 to February 2025) and an exhibition project that will llustrate the genesis and development of the genre known as Art Brut starting with its creator, Jean Dubuffet (from October 16, 2024 to February 16, 2025)

Contemporary art will take center stage at Milan’s PAC Padiglione d’Arte Contemporanea, which in the spring (March 20 to June 9, 2024) will continue its survey of big names on the international scene with the first European retrospective of African-American artist Adrian Piper. Through loans from major international museums, such as MoMA and the Guggenheim in New York and Tate Modern in London, the exhibition will trace more than sixty years of the artist’s career to chronicle his struggle against racism, misogyny, xenophobia, hatred and social injustice. In the same venue, this summer, from June to September 2024, Liliana Moro ’s art will instead arrive with an exhibition project co-produced with Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein and in collaboration with Magazzino Italian Art in New York, while, from November 2024 to February 2025, a project designed specifically for the PAC and dedicated to Milan will trace the entire output of Marcello Maloberti. For 2025, the PAC is planning the first extensive solo exhibition in Italy of Iranian artist Shirin Neshat (March to June), the first anthological exhibition of the Italian-American artist duo Alessandro Codagnone and John Lovett (July to September), and a collective project that aims to represent a cross-section on art and life in today’s India, starting from the bottom (November 2025 to January 2026).

Coming to the spaces of Fabbrica del Vapore from Dec. 6, 2024 to March 2, 2025, will be Tim Burton’s Labirynth exhibition, a journey into the creative universe of the director of Beetlejuice, Edward Scissorhands, Nightmare Before Christmas, Corpse Bride, and more films. And in the different rooms of the labyrinth, you will be able to explore the different themes of the director, producer, writer and artist, thanks to technology, lights, sounds, original artwork and sets from his films.

In the Salette della Grafica of Castello Sforzesco, from Sept. 27, 2024 to Jan. 7, 2025, the exhibition Alberto Martini e la danza macabra will be staged as part of the celebrations of the 70th anniversary of Alberto Martini’s death, featuring the important nucleus of Martini’s works in the civic collections, investigating the theme of the allegory of death and the dance macabre.

At Palazzo Moriggia, home of the Museo del Risorgimento and a laboratory of modern and contemporary history, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Giacomo Matteotti’s murder, the Anna Kuliscioff Foundation will hold a historical-documentary exhibition from November to December 2024, in collaboration with the Civiche Raccolte Storiche, to investigate in depth the figure of Matteotti and his relationship with the city of Milan.

At the Archaeological Museum, from March 1 through December 2024 the small exhibition Eternal Images. Art in Ancient Egypt will offer a presentation of Egyptian art and its specificities through a selection of artifacts from the Museum’s own collection.

The Museo del Novecento, on the occasion of Milan Art Week 2024, will offer three different projects in its spaces: Portrait of a City, a large multichannel audio-video installation, a project by Masbedo, which talks about the cultural rebirth of Milan (from April 10 to June 30, 2024); a focus dedicated to the Dutch artist Magali Reus, winner of the seventh edition of the Arnaldo Pomodoro Prize for Sculpture (from April 10 to June 30, 2024); and Futurist Drama, a site-specific project by Cypriot artist Haris Epaminonda, promoted by the Henraux Foundation (from April 10 to May 26, 2024).

The Museum of Natural History will narrate from January 24 to March 25, 2024 in the exhibition Mimesis the animal world and the human-environment relationship through the pictorial expression of Marco Grasso, a young naturalistic artist, relating the portraits of the animals represented, many of them endangered, and the museum material.

TheMilan Civic Aquarium will offer, among others, from June to September 2024, an exhibition by Louise Manzon who, through her works, aims to make people reflect on both the fragility and the great power of our ecosystem.

The complete and constantly updated program is available at

Many exhibitions in Milan for 2024-2025. Presented today the exhibition program
Many exhibitions in Milan for 2024-2025. Presented today the exhibition program

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