Milan, Antonio D'Amico is the new director of the Bagatti Valsecchi Museum

In Milan, the Bagatti Valsecchi Museum has a new director: he is Antonio D'Amico, former director of the Civic Museums of Domodossola and later curator of the Bagatti Valsecchi itself. D'Amico was appointed in recent hours by the Board of Directors of the Bagatti Valsecchi Museum.

In Milan, the Bagatti Valsecchi Museum has a new director: he is Antonio D’Amico, former director of the Civic Museums of Domodossola and later curator of the Bagatti Valsecchi itself. D’Amico was appointed in recent hours by the Board of Directors of the Bagatti Valsecchi Museum.

After serving as conservator and director of the Civic Museums of Domodossola for a five-year period, Antonio D’Amico joined the Museum from October 2021, holding the position of conservator at the museum institution on Via Gesù in Milan.

The direction of the Museum was held for many years by Pier Fausto Bagatti Valsecchi, who was its founder together with his father Pasino and sisters Cristina, Anna Maria and Fausta. After a long and intense life full of battles in favor of the artistic heritage and landscape, architect Pier Fausto Bagatti Valsecchi passed away on October 14, handing over a great legacy that the new director collects, with the desire to make known to an ever wider public the heritage kept in the splendid casket of Via Gesù.

Camilla Bagatti Valsecchi, president of the Foundation, says she is “delighted with the appointment of Antonio D’Amico as director, as thanks to his work, our museum, in recent years, has become an increasingly inclusive place in the spirit of my ancestors who had envisioned this house as a coterie of culture and where harmony among the arts could allow us to live a life immersed in beauty.”

The new director welcomes the appointment “with great joy, as I am aware that I am carrying out an important mission that I receive from Pier Fausto Bagatti Valsecchi, who stated that ’he who makes a museum has the hope that it can last forever.’” “For my part,” adds D’Amico, “I am confident that the project of the Bagatti Valsecchi Museum, which I trust to carry forward together with the President and my staff, can be that of a nerve center of commingling between the arts.”

Pictured: Antonio D’Amico

Milan, Antonio D'Amico is the new director of the Bagatti Valsecchi Museum
Milan, Antonio D'Amico is the new director of the Bagatti Valsecchi Museum

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