Draft dpcm Christmas, strict line prevails: likely closure of museums until Jan. 15

For now, the strict line prevails in the draft Christmas dpcm: in the text sent to the regions this morning, museums, exhibitions, cinemas, theaters, and libraries remain closed.

There seems to be no glimmer of hope for the reopening of museums: in fact, it seems that the strict line prevails in the draft dpcm that is circulating in these hours. This is still nothing definitive, as the text of the so-called dpcm Natale was sent to the regions this morning and there is still room to discuss it before Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte signs it (this evening, as the November 3 dpcm expires tomorrow), but the knot on museums and culture does not seem to be up for discussion, and there is a move toward an extension of the closure.

The draft dpcm introduces new provisions valid until January 15, 2021, but for museums and places of culture everything remains unchanged for now. Article 1, paragraph 9(r) of the draft specifies that “the exhibitions and the services of opening to the public of museums and other institutes and places of culture referred to in Article101 of the Code of Cultural Heritage and Landscape, referred to in Legislative Decree No. 42 of January 22, 2004, are suspended, with the exception of libraries where the relevant services are offered by reservation and archives, subject to compliance with the measures to contain the epidemiological emergency.” The suspension of cinema and theater performances also remains in effect, and the only ones allowed to open to the public are archives.

Among the new features are a curfew from 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. for New Year’s Eve, a ban on moving between regions from Dec. 21 to Jan. 6 (except for returning to one’s residence, domiclio or home, not valid, however for second homes, which will not be able to be reached), the reopening of in-person teaching for 50 percent of students starting Jan. 7, the closure of ski resorts, which will be able to reopen starting Jan. 7, and the possibility of store openings until 9 p.m. (but malls remain closed on Saturdays and Sundays).

Image: visitors to the Tosio Martinengo Picture Gallery in Brescia after the reopening on May 18.

Draft dpcm Christmas, strict line prevails: likely closure of museums until Jan. 15
Draft dpcm Christmas, strict line prevails: likely closure of museums until Jan. 15

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