1.5 million to support contemporary photography. Public notice online

The General Directorate of Contemporary Creativity of the Ministry of Culture has allocated 1.5 million euros for the public notice "Photography Strategy 2023" aimed at the acquisition, production, preservation and enhancement of contemporary photography.

The Directorate General for Contemporary Creativity of the Ministry of Culture has launched thepublic notice"Photography Strategy 2023" for the selection of proposals for the acquisition, production, conservation, and enhancement of photography and the Italian photographic heritage. The call is the third edition of a project created in 2020 and is part of the General Directorate’s institutional actions aimed at promoting and supporting research, talents and Italian excellence in the field of photography. To this end, Strategia Fotografia 2023 supports places of culture as defined by Art. 101 of Legislative Decree No. 42 of January 22, 2004 of public property, including those managed by private nonprofit entities or in partnership with public and private nonprofit entities and bodies, which intend to expand their public collections of contemporary photography, include contemporary photography in their collections, carry out conservation interventions on the photographic heritage in their possession or enhance donations of archives and/or photographic funds received in the last 5 years.

Photography Strategy 2023 has as its long-term goal to ensure the quality and continuity ofincreasing the public holdings of contemporary photography through appropriate and consistent acquisition and commissioning strategies, to ensure the preservation of the public holdings of contemporary photography, and to stimulate patronage and donations to the public holdings of contemporary photography.

This year’s public notice, for which the Directorate General for Contemporary Creativity allocates 1.5 million euros, is divided into two specific areas of intervention:

Scope 1 - Acquisition and Production, to which 1,000,000.00 euros are allocated for proposals for the acquisition to public collections of photographic works executed in the last 70 years, as well as collection and archival nuclei of contemporary photography, and related valorization activities (Section I) and for projects for the production of works and/or photographic projects to be allocated to public heritage and related valorization activities (Section II).

Area 2 - Conservation and Valorization, to which 500,000.00 euros are allocated, for proposals for the conservation of the public contemporary photographic heritage executed in the last 70 years, and related possible valorization activities (section III) and for projects for the valorization of archives and/or photography funds, related to the creativity of the last 70 years received as donations from all museums and places of culture of public ownership (section IV).

Proposals must be submitted exclusively through the Calls Portal of the General Directorate for Contemporary Creativity, according to the methods indicated in the public notice and the timelines that will be communicated starting May 9, 2023 at https://creativitacontemporanea.cultura.gov.it/.

Deadline for applications: June 27, 2023, 3:00 p.m.

1.5 million to support contemporary photography. Public notice online
1.5 million to support contemporary photography. Public notice online

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