A momentous exhibition on the Lombards: second stop in Naples

The Longobard exhibition recently concluded at Pavia's Castello Visconteo moves to the National Archaeological Museum in Naples.

The exhibition “Longobards a People Changing History” moves to Naples. As we had reported to you in this news, the first stop of this exhibition was the Visconti Castle in Pavia, where it was set up from September 1 to December 3, as Pavia was the capital of the Lombard Kingdom.

Now the exhibition is set up at the National Archaeological Museum in Naples, where it will remain on display until March 25, 2018, waiting to land at theHermitage in St. Petersburg. "This is the first time the MANN has decided to organize an exhibition dedicated to a period following the fall of the Roman Empire," explains director Paolo Giulierini, "the Lombards, in Campania, left an indelible mark. Suffice it to mention Capua, Benevento and Salerno, the three capitals of Longobardia minor, as well as the interesting relationship they had with the coastal cities."
The exhibition is curated by Gian Pietro Brogiolo, Federico Marazzi and promoted by MiBACT, Museo Archeologico Nazionale - MANN, Municipality of Pavia, Pavia Musei, Municipality of Naples and Campania Region.

Full ticket price € 12, reduced €, free for under 18s and teaching staff. For all information you can call +39 0814422203, visit www.museoarcheologiconapoli.it or send an email to man-na@beniculturali.it.

A momentous exhibition on the Lombards: second stop in Naples
A momentous exhibition on the Lombards: second stop in Naples

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