Fo.To - Photographers in Turin: three months of exhibitions to celebrate photography

Coming to Turin from May 3 to July 29, 2018 is a new event in the city celebrating photography: Fo.To - Photographers in Turin.

Turin celebrates photography with the Fo.To - Photographers in Turin event to be held from May 3 to July 29, 2018.

The event is conceived and curated by Andrea Busto, director of MEF - Museo Ettore Fico: all the city’s exhibition spaces, from public and private museums to art galleries, from foundations to associations, from art and design institutes to nonprofit spaces, will participate in this new kermesse with independent exhibitions in terms of themes, timetables and achievements.

In addition, ten thematic routes will be presented in which common themes, such as architectural photography, war and photojournalism, still-life and fashion, and many others, have been addressed to allow visitors to follow the route they prefer most independently.

Among the spaces involved are the Museum of Cinema, the Museum of the Risorgimento, Palazzo Chiablese, the Ettore Fico Museum, the Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Foundation, the Accorsi Foundation, the Merz Foundation, and the 107 Foundation.

A calendar with appointments with authors, photographers, critics and curators will be available on the event website.

On Saturday, May 12, the White Night of Photography will be held: all spaces open to the public will be open from 7 p.m. to midnight.

For details:

Image: Aurore Valade, Mexican Interiors (Gagliardi Domke)

Fo.To - Photographers in Turin: three months of exhibitions to celebrate photography
Fo.To - Photographers in Turin: three months of exhibitions to celebrate photography

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