More than 100 works by Chagall from Jerusalem on display at Mudec

From March 16 to July 31, 2022, Mudec in Milan is hosting an exhibition dedicated to Marc Chagall with more than 100 works from the Israel Museum in Jerusalem.

Opening on March 16, 2022 at Mudec Museo delle Culture in Milan is the exhibition Marc Chagall. A Story of Two Worlds, open to the public until July 31, 2022 and curated by theIsrael Museum in Jerusalem.

Through more than 100 works donated largely by the artist’s family and friends and now belonging to the Jerusalem museum’s collection, the exhibition aims to place Chagall’s art in its cultural context. In particular, the exhibition project is devoted to Chagall’s graphic works and his activity as a publishing illustrator.

Thus, some of the fundamental themes of the artist’s life and production will be addressed: from his roots in his native Vitebsk (now Belarus), described with love and nostalgia in the series Ma vie, to his meeting with Bella Rosenfeld, who became his beloved wife, whose books Burning Lights and First Encounter, dedicated to Bella’s recollections of life in the Jewish community, published after her untimely death and whose original drawings are on display in the exhibition.

The works on display reflect the multifaceted identity of Chagall, who is at once the Jewish child of Vitebsk, the husband who equips his wife’s books with images, the artist who illustrates the Bible, thus wishing to remedy the lack of a Jewish tradition in the visual arts, and, finally, the original modern painter who, through Christian iconography, mourns the fate of the Jewish people.

There will also be a selection of ritual objects, used in the religious ceremonies of Jewish communities, often depicted in Chagall’s works.

For info:

Hours: Monday from 2:30 to 7:30 p.m.; Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday from 9:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.; Thursday and Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m.

Image: Marc Chagall, Couple of lovers and flowers, detail (1949)

More than 100 works by Chagall from Jerusalem on display at Mudec
More than 100 works by Chagall from Jerusalem on display at Mudec

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