The father of Baci Perugina on display in Treviso

On March 17, an exhibition dedicated to Federico Seneca, the father of Baci Perugina, will open in Treviso at the Salce National Museum.

The Salce National Museum in Treviso will host from March 17 to September 2, 2018, a monographic exhibition entirely dedicated to the "daddy of Baci Perugina": Federico Seneca.

The retrospective will present to the public the latter’s artistic activity, from his Belle Époque beginnings to futurist developments, Bauhaus-inspired theatricality and the creation of a unique personality in advertising graphics.

Museum director Marta Mazza said, “As many as forty of the pieces on display in this magnificent exhibition belong to our Collection. And we can only be pleased to host this monographic exhibition enriched also by no less important works of different provenance.” He added, “It is indeed through the splendid posters, but also through privately owned drawn and sculptural sketches, totally unpublished until this exhibition, that we pay homage to the great artistic director of Perugina and Buitoni, to the brilliant creator of the images for the Chocolate Kiss.”

The exhibition is curated by Salce National Museum director Marta Mazza and Chiasso m.a.x. museum director Nicoletta Ossanna Cavadini.

For information:

Hours: Thursday-Sunday from10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Friday from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Tickets: Full 6 euros, reduced 3 euros.

Image: Federico Seneca, “Baci Perugina” advertising poster (1922; paper/chromolithography, 100 x 140 cm; Treviso, Museo Nazionale Collezione Salce).

The father of Baci Perugina on display in Treviso
The father of Baci Perugina on display in Treviso

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