Florence, after 35 years returned a precious Renaissance table to its rightful owners

Carabinieri from the Nucleo Tutela Patrimonio Culturale have returned a valuable Renaissance panel by the Maestro di Marradi to the Conservatorio di Santa Maria degli Angeli in Florence: it was stolen in the 1980s under circumstances that remain to be clarified.

Important recovery in Florence: in fact, an important Renaissance panel painting by the Master of Marradi, a name used to identify an anonymous artist, a pupil of Domenico del Ghirlandaio, documented in Tuscany between 1498 and 1513 and so called because he was the author of five paintings in the abbey of Marradi, a center of Tuscan Romagna, is returning to the Conservatory of Santa Maria degli Angeli.

The panel, a Madonna and Child with Saints Jerome and Dominic, had been stolen in the 1980s: in 1985 it had left the conservatory to be restored by a Florentine craftsman, after which, under circumstances yet to be clarified, it was purchased by the father of a Florentine antiquarian, who then in turn inherited the work. Carabinieri from the Nucleo Tutela Patrimonio Culturale in Florence found the panel in the antiquarian’s possession after receiving a report from the export office of the Florence superintendency after receiving an export request from its very owner.

After the military determined that the table for which the request for export had been received by the superintendency corresponded with the one owned by the Conservatorio Santa Maria degli Angeli Foundation, the antiquarian voluntarily handed over the table so that it could be returned to its location. The findings made made it possible to proceed with an initiative seizure, which was validated by the Public Prosecutor’s Office at the Court of Florence, which ordered its return to the owner institution.

Florence, after 35 years returned a precious Renaissance table to its rightful owners
Florence, after 35 years returned a precious Renaissance table to its rightful owners

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