A weekend to discover the parks and gardens of Italy: Appointment in the Garden returns, in its 7th edition

On June 1 and 2, 2024, "Appointment in the Garden," the initiative to discover our 'living cultural heritage' through extraordinary openings and activities in more than 200 parks and gardens in Italy, returns for its seventh edition.

On June 1 and 2, 2024, Appuntamento in Giardino, the initiative promoted by APGI - Associazione Parchi e Giardini d’Italia, with the support of Ales Spa and under the patronage of the Ministry of Culture and ANCI National Association of Italian Municipalities, returns for its seventh edition to rediscover our ’living cultural heritage’ through extraordinary openings and activities in more than 200 parks and gardens in Italy.

Created in agreement with Rendez-vous aux jardins, the initiative takes place simultaneously in more than 20 European countries. A different theme is proposed each year, inviting the public to take a fresh look at the garden. The central theme of the 2024 edition is"The Five Senses in the Garden."

With more than 300 events, Appointment in the Garden has established itself as a popular and well-attended initiative among the public. This success is also due to the growing awareness that gardens represent authentic ’open-air museums’ due to their priceless historical, artistic, botanical and landscape value.

As in previous editions, the program will feature the involvement of gardeners, botanists, landscape architects, private owners and public managers, major foundations and associative entities, with the intention of telling the story of the garden universe, highlighting its fragility, cultural and environmental relevance, as well as its importance for the well-being of individuals and the community.

“On June 1 and 2, thanks to the Appuntamento in giardino event promoted by APGI, Associazione Parchi e Giardini d’Italia and sponsored by the Ministry of Culture, the public will have the opportunity to learn about and appreciate the extraordinary beauty of the historical and artistic heritage of numerous Italian gardens, many of them the subject of investment 2.3 of the MiC’s PNRR, also aimed at the regeneration and redevelopment of parks and gardens,” stresses Ambassador Ludovico Ortona, President APGI - Association of Parks and Gardens of Italy.

The event will give the public a chance to range from historic places to small amateur gardens, from botanical gardens to more contemporary settings. “A great celebration of Italian gardens that sees at its center the enhancement and knowledge of the so-called green heritage,” concludes Fabio Tagliaferri, president and CEO of Ales.

For all info and to discover the list of gardens participating in the initiative: https://www.apgi.it/appuntamento-in-giardino/

Pictured is the Garden of Ninfa (Cisterna di Latina). Photo by Dario Fusaro.

A weekend to discover the parks and gardens of Italy: Appointment in the Garden returns, in its 7th edition
A weekend to discover the parks and gardens of Italy: Appointment in the Garden returns, in its 7th edition

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