Children at Barberini: series of meetings for children to discover the secrets of the museum

From July 30 to August 2, 2019, the Bambini a Barberini initiative, a series of meetings dedicated to children ages 6 to 10, will be held at Palazzo Barberini.

The National Galleries of Ancient Art at Palazzo Barberini in Rome are organizing Bambini a Barberini, a series of meetings and activities for children aged 6 to 10 years: the initiative will be held from Tuesday, July 30 to Friday, August 2, from 4 to 7 p.m.

Four days in which the young participants will explore the famous Roman museum venue through guided tours, workshops and games, which will vary each day.
Children will be invited to dwell on aspects of the palace and the museum: from the secrets of the first owners, to the stories of the artists who worked there, to the history of some of the masterpieces preserved here.

It will be possible to attend all of the appointments or only one or a few. All activities are free for children; for accompanying persons (max 2 people) there is a reduction on the ticket price to 6 euros.

For reservations write to, indicating the dates chosen, name, surname and age of the child you intend to enroll.


Tuesday, July 30: WHO WERE THE BARBERINI ?
A dive into the past to contextualize where you are, learn about the Barberini family and understand how the museum was formed, especially from the point of view of its collections.

Activity: ready for a fun and unusual Barberini bee hunt? Watch out that each of us will then have to invent our own very personal family crest!

Wednesday, July 31: BERNINI AND BORROMINI. Friends or rivals ?
The tale of the museum’s origins continues, this time focusing on the architectural aspect. Children will be introduced to the figures of the two artistic geniuses Gian Lorenzo Bernini and Francesco Borromini, recounting their lives and major works, highlighting their similarities and differences.

Activity: let’s imagine we are great architects and invent the most beautiful monumental staircase for a museum!

The third event will focus on the story of the artist and the work he created for Palazzo Barberini.

Activity: help! Pietro da Cortona’s fresco has fallen to pieces and we need to rebuild it! Let’s arm ourselves with a lot of patience and like a puzzle try to assemble all the pieces.

The fascinating theme of Judith cutting off Holofernes’ head will be told to the children through the paintings that are tackled in the exhibit.

Activity: there are many paintings that have the same subject but they are not quite the same.... Shall we look for similarities and differences in the masterpieces on display in the museum?

For info:

Children at Barberini: series of meetings for children to discover the secrets of the museum
Children at Barberini: series of meetings for children to discover the secrets of the museum

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