Last month to visit major monographic exhibition on Barocci in Urbino

Last month to visit the major monographic exhibition at the Galleria Nazionale delle Marche in Urbino dedicated to Federico Barocci. Through Oct. 6, 2024.

Last month to visit the major monographic exhibition at the Galleria Nazionale delle Marche in Urbino dedicated to Federico Barocci (Urbino, 1535 - 1612). Federico Barocci Urbino. The Thrill of Modern Painting, curated by Galleria delle Marche director Luigi Gallo and Anna Maria Ambrosini Massari, professor of History of Modern Art at the University of Urbino, with Luca Baroni and Giovanni Russo, in fact brings together for the first time in Urbino 76 of his works, including paintings and drawings, thanks to important loans from national and international museums.

Open to the public until October 6, 2024, the exhibition is divided into six narrative nuclei, following an order that links the temporal succession of Barocci’s work to a diachronic presentation based on the different themes of his painting. Indeed, his art is placed here in the context of the great art of the 16th and 17th centuries. They range from portraits to large altarpieces, from small paintings intended for private devotion to graphics, to which an exhibition section is entirely dedicated, ending with the painter’s last works dating back to the first decade of the seventeenth century, in which color becomes pure chromatic emotion anticipating some of the solutions that distinguish Baroque art.

Among the works on display are theYouthful Self-Portrait and theSenile Self-Portrait from the Palatine Gallery in Florence, the Madonna of the Cat from the Uffizi, the Madonna of the Cherries from the Pinacoteca Vaticana, the Nativity from the Prado Museum and the Penitent Saint Jerome and Saint Francis, respectively from the Galleria Borghese in Rome and the Metropolitan Museum in New York. Also, the Escape of Aeneas from Troy from the Borghese Gallery, the Beata Michelina from the Vatican Art Gallery, the Madonna of the Rosary from Senigallia, and the Presentation of the Virgin in the Temple from the New Church in Rome.

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Last month to visit major monographic exhibition on Barocci in Urbino
Last month to visit major monographic exhibition on Barocci in Urbino

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