Mudec in Milan dedicates an exhibition to Jean Dubuffet and Art Brut

Mudec in Milan is hosting from Oct. 12, 2024 to Feb. 16, 2025 the exhibition "Dubuffet and Art Brut. The Art of the Outsiders" in collaboration with Lausanne's Collection de l'Art Brut.

From October 12, 2024 to February 16, 2025, Mudec in Milan is hosting the exhibition Dubuffet and Art Brut. The Art of Outsiders, curated by Sarah Lombardi and Anic Zanzi, with support from Baptiste Brun for the Jean Dubuffet section in collaboration with the Collection de l’Art Brut in Lausanne. Produced by 24 ORE Cultura - Gruppo 24 ORE, and sponsored by the City of Milan Culture with the patronage of the Consulate General of Switzerland in Milan, the exhibition, which has the collaboration of the Deloitte Foundation as Institutional Partner, explores the extraordinary expressive power ofArt Brut, a revolutionary artistic movement that has inspired many contemporary artists. Art Brut is based on the belief that art belongs to anyone with a voice to express, shaping unexpected beauty.

Born in the context of postwar Paris, Art Brut emerged as a radical and unconventional art form, defined by French artist and theorist Jean Dubuffet as “raw,” “pure,” and devoid of the contaminations of official culture. This current is characterized by its authentic and spontaneous expression, far from academic influences and traditional art channels.

The exhibition is developed through four main sections. The first introduces the historical origin of the concept of Art Brut, presenting works and documents that illustrate Dubuffet’s pioneering role as an artist, writer and collector. The second section explores the breadth and quality of Dubuffet’s research, highlighting the variety of works he collected before his 1971 donation.

The third exhibition section focuses on works from different parts of the world, highlighting how themes of the body and beliefs are central to Art Brut. These creations, because of their subjects and origins, find particular resonance with the museum’s collections, offering a global view of the expressive power and vitality of this artistic movement.

Designed especially for Mudec, this exhibition comes to life thanks to a collaboration with the Collection de l’Art Brut in Lausanne, a collection of more than 70,000 works and born of the extraordinary donation made by Jean Dubuffet to the City of Lausanne in 1971.

The exhibition presents a wide variety of artistic expressions, including drawings, paintings, sculptures and textile works, which continue to grow through new acquisitions and donations.

For info:

Hours: Monday 2:30 to 7:30 p.m.; Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday 9:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.; Thursday and Saturday 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m.

Mudec in Milan dedicates an exhibition to Jean Dubuffet and Art Brut
Mudec in Milan dedicates an exhibition to Jean Dubuffet and Art Brut

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