Re-velation, Carla Iacono's solo exhibition at the Diocesan Museum of Cuneo

The Diocesan Museum of Cuneo welcomes photographer Carla Iacono's solo exhibition, Re-velation, on the theme of the veil.

The Diocesan Museum San Sebastiano Contrada Mondovi in Cuneo will host from March 6 to April 5, 2020 the solo exhibition of photographer Carla Iacono entitled Re-velation.

The shots on display aim to address the theme of the manipulation of cultural differences, starting with the situation of Muslim immigrant women in Europe.

The artist, who lives and works in Genoa, represents in her photographs Islamic women wearing the veil: the latter is always at the center of social, religious, and cultural issues that have turned it into a “veil of discord.”

However, in the exhibition, the photographer does not take a position on the use of the veil, but she highlights values and meanings with images that refer to classical paintings: portraits that create a symbolic mix between Western and Eastern culture, as they take up theiconography of Western portraiture, but the subjects wear Eastern veils and accessories.

Her goal is thus to stimulate a discussion on the subject with grace and passion.

For info:

Hours: Friday from 3 to 7 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tickets: Full 5 euros, reduced 3 euros.

Image: Carla Iacono, Re-velation 6

Re-velation, Carla Iacono's solo exhibition at the Diocesan Museum of Cuneo
Re-velation, Carla Iacono's solo exhibition at the Diocesan Museum of Cuneo

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