Mantua, local entrepreneurs fund restoration of Giulio Romano's Pescherie

The second phase of the restoration of Giulio Romano's Pescherie is underway in Mantua. Notable contribution from entrepreneurs in the city.

The second phase of the restoration of Giulio Romano’s Pescherie in Mantua, located on either side of the medieval bridge that crossed the Rio, the waterway that runs through the city from Lake Superior to Lake Inferiore, has begun. Consisting of arched porticoes with attic and rectangular windows, they were connected to the public slaughterhouse built by Giulio Romano and demolished in 1872.

In the 19th century the Pescherie were renovated and lost their original function, but they constitute one of the most beautiful corners of the city.

For years, however, the Pescherie were no longer accessible to people and were in a state of neglect. Thanks to the restoration project, the access to the Rio has been recovered, and with the second phase of the intervention, the Loggia and the hall above will also be recovered. The overall intervention involves a total cost of more than one million euros.

The restoration is made possible by Giulio Romano’s specially created Fondazione delle Pescherie di Giulio Romano, to which the Friends of Palazzo Te and the Mantua Museums Association belongs, and also a group of private citizens. In particular, a group of local entrepreneurs who decided to invest 250,000 euros in this project is greatly contributing to the restoration. Among them are Guido Rovesta, managing director of Finservice, siblings Roberto and Katja Acquaroli of Sapiens, Angela Picozzi of Castor, a company that operates in the prototyping sector, and the company Abaco, which specializes in software solutions for the management and control of territorial resources.

Mantua, local entrepreneurs fund restoration of Giulio Romano's Pescherie
Mantua, local entrepreneurs fund restoration of Giulio Romano's Pescherie

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