Museums, June 2 and 4 free admission to all state museums

A weekend of free museums: on June 2 and 4 people will enter all state museums without paying. Free admission for Republic Day was desired by Minister Sangiuliano. And on the 4th free museums for the usual first Sunday of the month.

June 2 will be a bridge of free museums for Italians and foreigners. In fact, accomplice to the new free day in all state museums, established by Minister Gennaro Sangiuliano on the occasion of Republic Day, there will in fact be as many as two days when everyone will be able to visit state museums for free.

It begins on Friday, June 2, 2023, when state museums and archaeological parks will be open for free, as proposed by Culture Minister Gennaro Sangiuliano, for the first time in Republican history. In fact, to the #domenicalmuseo initiative (12 days a year), at the minister’s behest, 3 more dates have been added to free access in cultural places: after April 25, June 2 and November 4. The visits will take place during the usual opening hours, with access by reservation where provided. All info on the ministry website at:

It is then repeated on Sunday, June 4, for the usual first free Sunday of the month: the appointment with #domenicalmuseo is thus renewed, the initiative of the Ministry of Culture that allows free admission, every first Sunday of the month, to state museums and archaeological parks. Visits, again, will take place during the usual opening hours, with access by reservation where provided. In May, the recorded attendance was 300,920 people. For information and to see the full list:

This is the first time that two free days are so close together: so there is a lot of curiosity to see how the public will respond, given also that the June 2 bridge will see many Italians traveling, and many will be going to visit art cities.

Image: the grandstand of the Uffizi

Museums, June 2 and 4 free admission to all state museums
Museums, June 2 and 4 free admission to all state museums

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