Turcato's work among dumpsters in Viareggio, Superintendence intervenes: ensure proper preservation

The Superintendence of Lucca and Massa-Carrara intervenes on the affair of Giulio Turcato's work among the dumpsters: 'ensure the proper preservation of the work'.

The Superintendency of Lucca and Massa-Carrara has intervened in the affair of Giulio Turcato’s work, Le Oceaniche, which was removed from its location in Viareggio’s Piazza Puccini and, according to local political figures, abandoned amidst weeds and garbage in a municipal storage facility. The mayor of the Tuscan municipality, Giorgio Del Ghingaro, had defended himself against the accusations by saying that the work, donated by the master of abstractionism to the city of Viareggio in 1990, was moved because it was awaiting restoration, but to those who pointed out to him that such a work cannot be stored in the open and among the garbage and that the citizenry needed to be informed, the first citizen merely said that the sculpture would be moved to a more appropriate location and that a restoration work did not seem to him to be a “relevant” fact to the point that he needed to inform his fellow citizens.

The Superintendency, in a note sent to Ansa and signed by Superintendent Angela Acordon, let it be known that “it is considered useful to reassure the citizens” that the body “has taken into consideration what happened and will put in place all the actions within its competence.” In addition, the Superintendence reminds the Viareggio administration that Turcato’s work, “insofar as it is located on a square of historical and cultural interest within the meaning of Article 10, paragraph 4, letter g) of Legislative Decree 42/2004 (Code of Cultural and Landscape Heritage), moreover subject to a landscape constraint,” and “while not subject to a direct constraint,” falls “under the dictate of Article 149 of the aforementioned Cultural Heritage Code insofar as any intervention involving even temporary alteration of the state of the places, that is, of the square, must be authorized by the Superintendence, which has already initiated a dialogue with the Municipal Administration to ensure the proper preservation of the work in view of its relocation in Puccini Square.”

Pictured: Giulio Turcato’s Le Oceaniche.

Turcato's work among dumpsters in Viareggio, Superintendence intervenes: ensure proper preservation
Turcato's work among dumpsters in Viareggio, Superintendence intervenes: ensure proper preservation

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