In Jesi important anthology of Patrizio Di Massimo, among today's leading Italian painters

From April 23 to September 3, Jesi is dedicating an exhibition to Patrizio Di Massimo, one of Italy's most highly regarded contemporary painters. It is the largest anthological exhibition ever held by the artist.

In Jesi, the Civic Museums of Palazzo Pianetti and the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Jesi welcome, from April 23 to September 3, 2023, the exhibition Antologia (2013-2023) by Patrizio Di Massimo (Jesi, 1983), an internationally renowned artist, one of the most appreciated contemporary Italian painters, born in Jesi and living in London. An artist of the profound and the intimate of things, in search of his own balance between self and reality, who by the type of expressive research, the themes dealt with and the originality of his style that flow into refined and emblematic forms of pictorial representation, reinterprets the legacy of the great masters of the past, in an original and stimulating dialogue that in Jesi involves both Lorenzo Lotto’s masterpieces present in Palazzo Pianetti, home of the Pinacoteca Civica, such as the Deposition (1512), Madonna delle Rose (1526), Saint Lucia before the Judge (1532) , theAnnunciation (c. 1525) and the Visitation (1532-35), as well as the works of ancient art on display in the picture gallery of Palazzo Bisaccioni, including paintings by Guercino, Giorgio Vasari and Raffaellino del Colle. The exhibition is set up in the historic center of Jesi at Palazzo Pianetti, where the artist’s works dialogue with masterpieces by Lorenzo Lotto, and at Palazzo Bisaccioni, where a nucleus of works related to the theme of the self-portrait is presented.

Anthology (2013-2023) brings together twenty-five mostly large-format paintings, along with a series of drawings and a ceramic installation, produced over the past ten years, which testifies by exempla to the evolution of a pictorial research that combines suggestions drawn from the history of twentieth-century art (in particular Otto Dix and Christian Schad, but also Achille Funi and Gio Ponti) with an intimate, ironic and grotesque imagery, dense with references to a familiar everyday life, revisited in a fantastic and symbolic key.

The exhibition itinerary, defined by the two curators Massimo Vitangeli and Ludovico Pratesi, is articulated through the thematic nuclei that have characterized Patrizio di Massimo’s work: the Self-Portraits, the Family Portraits, the Arguments, the Portraits, the Love Stories, and the Esoterici. This is the largest anthological exhibition ever held by the artist in terms of the quantity of works on display from important Italian collections, flanked by a catalog, which brings together more than one hundred works, published by the prestigious Marche-based publishing house Quodlibet.

On the occasion of the exhibition, the artist has created a large triptych inspired by Lorenzo Lotto’s Deposition, which is in the collection of Palazzo Pianetti, and an intimate self-portrait for Palazzo Bisaccioni, which compares itself with the celebrated artists of the past in the ancient art collection. The importance of the event also lies in the collaboration between two institutions of the urban museum network, which in a process of co-design are committed to becoming bearers of civic and symbolic values, hosting an articulated and comprehensive itinerary that unites public and private in a common effort to enhance the city of Jesi and its cultural potential, reactivating a heritage under the sign of contemporaneity.

“Patrizio di Massimo’s extensive solo show,” explains Massimo Vitangeli, curator of the exhibition at Palazzo Pianetti, “is an expression of the desire of Jesi’s cultural institutions to enhance artists born in or closely linked to the Marche region who have gained experience abroad, thus becoming bearers of new stimuli and reflections for both local and regional citizens .In fact, one of the missions of the Civic Museums is to be a sensitive receptor of the Marche’s cultural landscape: the exhibition of Patrizio di Massimo aims to make the city rediscover artistic personalities capable of offering a new vision on the heritage of the places of their roots.”

“The gaze of the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Jesi,” adds Ludovico Pratesi, curator of the exhibition at Palazzo Bisaccioni, “has for several years now been directed toward the discovery, promotion and enhancement of the national and international contemporary scene, making it possible for art to meet the local community and a wider public. This important monographic exhibition of Patrizio di Massimo reveals the most fascinating face of art capable of interpreting contemporaneity with a look towards art history, within an exhibition program linked to the privileged relationship with the contemporary.”

Patrick Di Massimo, Nefarious Thoughts (2021). Photo: Mark Blower
Patrizio Di Massimo, Nefarious Thoughts (2021). Photo: Mark Blower
Patrizio Di Massimo, Self-portrait (with Philip Guston) / Selfportrait (2022). Photo: Eleonora Agostini
Patrizio Di Massimo, Self-portrait (with Philip Guston) / Selfportrait (2022). Photo: Eleonora Agostini
Patrizio Di Massimo, Why Did You Call My Niece Your Niece? (2019). Photo: Mark Blower
Patrizio Di Massimo, Why Did You Call My Niece Your Niece? (2019). Photo: Mark Blower
Patrick Di Massimo, Entangled (2019). Photo: Mark Blower
Patrizio Di Massimo, Entangled (2019). Photo: Mark Blower
Patrick Di Massimo, Self-portrait with Boots (2019). Photo: Mark Blower
Patrizio Di Massimo, Self-portrait with Boots (2019). Photo: Mark Blower
Patrick Di Massimo, The Milliner (2015). Photo: Mark Blower
Patrizio Di Massimo, The Milliner (2015). Photo: Mark Blower

In Jesi important anthology of Patrizio Di Massimo, among today's leading Italian painters
In Jesi important anthology of Patrizio Di Massimo, among today's leading Italian painters

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