Official: museums, exhibitions and libraries reopen May 18. June 1 maybe bars and restaurants

Museums, exhibitions and libraries will reopen on May 18. This is the date officially announced by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte during a press conference tonight, anticipating the new dpcm with directions for the so-called “phase 2.” “We plan,” the prime minister said, “to reopen with all precautions and precautions, on May 18, museums, exhibitions and libraries.”

For bars and restaurants (but also for hairdressers, beauty salons, massage centers and personal care services) there will be a wait until perhaps June 1. The date has been given tentatively, but is not yet set definitively (it will probably depend on how the Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak proceeds): “we would like to open more widely” these activities, the premier said, thus using the conditional. Bars and restaurants will still be able to do take-out service from May 4.

For other tourist activities (such as bathing establishments) still no indication of a certain date (“we will do what we can so as to allow a well-structured, well-articulated and very cautious planning of the bathing season”). No indication for cinemas, theaters, festivals. Also on May 18, retail will reopen.

Pictured: Joseph Conte

Official: museums, exhibitions and libraries reopen May 18. June 1 maybe bars and restaurants
Official: museums, exhibitions and libraries reopen May 18. June 1 maybe bars and restaurants

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