Palermo, Carabinieri find a painting stolen more than 30 years ago from Palazzo Chigi in Ariccia

Carabinieri have recovered a 17th-century painting stolen more than 30 years ago from the Chigi Palace in Ariccia.

Carabinieri from the Nucleo Tutela Patrimonio Culturale(TPC) in Palermo have found an oil on canvas dating back to the 17th century depicting the Portrait of Marta Ghezzi Baldinotti. The valuable painting was stolen in 1986 from the Chigi Palace in Ariccia, Rome, and was found in an antique store in downtown Palermo during an administrative inspection.

After a search on the database of stolen cultural property managed by the Carabinieri command for the protection of cultural heritage, it was confirmed that the identified work matched the one stolen 32 years ago. In addition to the store owner, who lacked documentation proving the work’s provenance, carabinieri identified another person involved: a man from Marsala(Trapani) who already had a few priors against cultural heritage. Both were reported for receiving stolen goods.

The painting will soon return to Palazzo Chigi, in whose rooms some scenes from Luchino Visconti’s masterpiece film The Leopard were set.

Pictured: the rediscovered painting

Palermo, Carabinieri find a painting stolen more than 30 years ago from Palazzo Chigi in Ariccia
Palermo, Carabinieri find a painting stolen more than 30 years ago from Palazzo Chigi in Ariccia

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