Orrico: The Bourbon Arch will be restored as soon as possible

Anna Laura Orrico, Undersecretary of MiBACT, announced that the Bourbon Arch will be restored as soon as possible.

TheArco Borbonico will be restored as soon as possible: this was announced by Anna Laura Orrico, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism, during an interpellation regarding theancient eighteenth-century landing in Naples.

The Bourbon Arch had collapsed on Jan. 2 due to a violent sea storm and especially neglect, which had already been pointed out by the Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio for the City of Naples, which had obliged thePort Authority to restore it.

“The restoration work, which we intend to start as soon as possible, compatibly with the procedures dictated by the relevant regulations, is considered entirely suitable for the restoration of the artifact,” Orrico said. “As a result of the extremely violent sea storms that have affected the Neapolitan coastline since the previous December 28 and have caused extensive damage to the waterfront and the Castel dell’Ovo, immediate technical interlocutions were initiated with thePort Authority aimed at adjusting the design intentions previously defined sharing the need, given the urgency of the intervention, to entrust the coordination of design activities to the Superintendence.” The MiBACT Undersecretary outlined the basic outlines of the restoration project: “Recovery of all collapsed elements; consolidation of the bottom slab and construction of a rib to support the vault; relocation of the stone facing elements; reconstruction of the collapsed buttress.”

Pictured: left, the Bourbon arch before the collapse (ph. Floriana Yrolf), right after (ph. Engineering Benigni)

Orrico: The Bourbon Arch will be restored as soon as possible
Orrico: The Bourbon Arch will be restored as soon as possible

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